I love books like Leslie Knope loves government bureaucracy.

(I am now at CMC Editorial Services-- same kind of posts, more serious title!)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Homework + Miscellaneous

So Texts From Jane Eyre was perfect and hilarious (post to come), but school is now in full swing, which means I have far less time to read for fun/blog. 

Luckily, as an English major, my homework is to read a bunch of novels! (And, you know, other stuff. Like write pages and pages of essays. But we'll focus on the positive here.) So far, we haven't started the novels yet, but in my South Asian Lit class, we've started Mirrorwork, which will be fun (and probably traumatizing. In my experience, South Asian Lit/Postcolonial Lit is usually not very happy). 

I've got a few minutes each morning wherein I can read and relax, so I'm going to be starting The Glass Castle, about which I've heard a lot of really great things. Anyone read it? What'd you think?

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