I love books like Leslie Knope loves government bureaucracy.

(I am now at CMC Editorial Services-- same kind of posts, more serious title!)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

This weekend, I was completely without wifi and access to the internet (okay, I had some access. But I only used it for emails.), so I had plenty of time to catch up on some reading. I’m still slowly but surely making my way through A Constellation of Vital Phenomena, which is amazing, but to give myself something new to work on, I read Persepolis, which I’d heard a lot of good things about.

In the past I haven’t been super into graphic novels, for whatever reason, but I’ve been starting to get into them. I’m glad this one was one of the first I read, because it set the bar pretty high; it was both funny and educational, without being super preachy.
The rundown: This is Marjane Strapi’s first of four autobiographical graphic novels (and there are more in the works) about growing up in Iran through several years of the Islamic Revolution. It juxtaposes the tension and fear during those years with downright funny anecdotes of her younger years, stories everyone will recognize in themselves. There are stories like the time she got pulled over by the women’s branch of the Guardians of the Revolution:

Or the time she went protesting with her parents:

All of which give a great insight into the events which were happening at the time (and now) as well as the life of a relatable young girl.

I highly recommend this to any level of reader; even though for some younger readers it might be difficult to completely wrap their minds around some of the political events that went by so quickly at the beginning of the novel (I even had a little trouble), I don’t think it in any way impedes the essence of the book or the messages it portrays.

Definitely going to pick up the sequels. 4/5

Monday, April 20, 2015

Books that Scared the (Poop Emoji) Out Of Me

I'm a bit of a wuss, but I always end up reading books that scare the pants off of me and seriously force me to reconsider getting a nightlight. Here are some of the books that have haunted (heh heh) me after I've read them: 

GoodBYE this cover is so creepy.  
My roommate’s obsessed with this book, but it traumatized me. I read it at an “appropriate” age, but I think even as an adult this book would probably still give me recurring nightmares. If you’re into goosebumps-inducing books with female protagonists, this’ll probably be right up your alley. I haven’t seen the movie adaptation because I’m still too scared of it, but my roommate will probably convince me to watch it eventually.

Surprisingly, I like the movie-book cover better than the original book cover. 
This book—and its subsequent movie—are both terrifying and horrifying (and not just because Stanley Tucci plays a kidnapper/murderer/rapist/dollhouse maker—this is not a spoiler). Definitely read the book first, (1) because that’s always a good rule of thumb and (2) because I don’t want Stanley Tucci making it difficult for you to imagine the murderer and (3) because I said so, that’s why. *

He may be a murderer, but get a load of that top hat. 
So, Maureen Johnson is known for her YA books. This one is still YA, but oh man oh man is it different from anything she’s written so far (three words: Jack. The. Ripper.). I read this when I was babysitting alone which was a terrible idea. The book’s got two of my favorite things, historical fiction and a female protagonist, and it’s good (so good that my Sister Who Hates to Read was asking me when the sequel was going to come out—the answer was February 2013, and I still haven’t read it. Oof.). The third book just came out in February, so hopefully I’ll get through most of my self-prescribed summer reading list to get to those two. 

The copy I have (above) makes it look like a romance novel, which would have been very misleading had I not already read it. 
Alright, so you’ve probably already read/seen this one, but I re-read it over the summer (it was one of my inappropriately-dark beach reads) and it still holds up. I wish I could read it fresh, not knowing what is going to happen (no spoilers, promise), but as it was, I still really enjoyed it even though I knew the ending. Also, the Alfred Hitchcock movie that came out of Rebecca is pretty durn good, too, but as is usually the case, the book was better.  

I already did a little synopsis/review-y thing on this one, but it’s still creepyscary and so it goes on the list. It’s got that Gothic, haunted-house-y thing going on, but the real creepiness (like in Rebeccacomes from the people inside. I’ve had this book finished for a while and have talked about it with other people that have read it and I’m still not really sure how I feel about the end, or Finn, who is either the worst or the best, depending on who you talk to. If you’re not convince this isn’t scary enough, look at one edition’s cover:

*Also, I just want to reiterate that Stanley Tucci plays the murderer. It’s unnerving.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Historical Fiction Part 1: World War I

Historical fiction is the shiz. Growing up in Virginia (especially in an area close to places like Williamsburg and Jamestown), I was always learning something new about history, and I ate it all up. As I started moving into the upper-level bookshelves at my local library, I came across the historical fiction section, which blew my twelve-year-old mind. It was history like I hadn’t read it before. And I was in love.

So I’m starting a recurring… bloggy… thing (the technical term for it) about historical fiction and all there is to know (and love) about it. Maybe some posts will be about specific historical time periods, like this one, but others will be about authors (I’m comin’ for you, Ann Rinaldi) or genres like YA historical fiction or specifically female and/or minority writers of the genre. Anyhoo… books about World War I. The Great War. The War to End All Wars. Let’s do this:

All Quiet on the Western Front—Erich Maria Remarque
"The GREATEST WAR NOVEL of ALL TIME." Okay, drama queen.
Yeah, that’s right, I’m starting with the obvious. Because you’ve heard of this book, you probably read it in high school (along with A Farewell to Arms), you probably looked up the summary on SparkNotes because you had an AP-Biology test the same week and couldn’t work on both projects at once, and you didn’t know that you were missing out on one of the best historical fiction books ever (I’m being a little dramatic, but only a little). This book is amazing, and beautiful, and painful as all-get-out. And it’s also pretty irreverent; you’ve got these soldiers sitting on boxes in a beautiful field, surrounded by sunshine, flowers, birds, rainbows, and unicorns (again, dramatic), and they’re ignoring it all because they’ve all got diarrhea and they just want to smoke and play cards and poop in their boxes (there’s a rummy/runny pun in here somewhere). It’s got a little of everything, and it’s got such a strong voice, I can never set it down.

Not So Quiet…-- Helen Zenna Smith
Come here often?
The apparent story behind this novel is that Smith (a pseudonym for author Evadne Price) was told by her editor to write a satirical piece of All Quiet. Smith realized what a jerk move that would be and instead wrote an even more heart wrenching and agonizing book than the one she was supposed to be spoofing. The novel, written from a female ambulance driver’s perspective, is based on the (now lost) diaries of Winifred Young. Personally, I think this book might be even better than All Quiet, even though Remarque had seen action and Price had not. Definitely read this one, but save it for after All Quiet if you’re planning on reading them both.

The Forbidden Zone—Mary Borden

This one is kiiiiiiiiinda weird but also insanely good. Borden was a nurse in the “forbidden zone,” the stretch of land right behind the front lines. As she explains, one can never really explain these experiences of trauma that soldiers and nurses alike experience, but she attempts to depict some of the feelings she encountered and the people she tried (and sometimes failed) to save. There’s some poetry, some short stories, and some pieces in between the two.

I miraculously got this gorgeous cover instead of the creepy editions of blurred human faces.
This one actually doesn’t directly deal with WWI; it’s about a woman, Jenny, living with her cousin (who she maybe… probably… is in love with?) and his wife (who he definitely is not in love with). When her cousin, Chris, returns from war with complete amnesia demanding to see a woman they’ve never heard on, each character must face the consequences of the secrets they’ve been telling each other and themselves before the war even began. Jenny is a fascinating character all on her own; it’s hard to tell whether she wants to be Chris and/or his mistress or if she wants to be in a relationship with them (or both?). It’s a short, fast read but sprinkled throughout the fascinating plot is some beautiful descriptions of the countryside, which I’m always a sucker for.

I’m gonna put the next three together:

These are all collections of short stories and poems surrounding World War I. Wilfred Owen is an especial favorite of mine; he “studied” under established poet Siegfried Sassoon during their stay in a mental rehabilitation hospital (long story) during the war. His poetry is indescribably good. If you don’t want to read the whole collection, just read “Dulce Et Decorum Est.” Better yet, watch this video of Jake Gyllenhaal reading it out loud to you. That’s right, now you’re hooked.

More historical fiction posts coming your way soon!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Balancing Bookloads: Tricks to Navigate Your Book Piles

It’s fun being an English major. I get to read and talk about books with other people who love them just as much as I do. I’ve gotten to find out a ton about my own reading habits and likes/dislikes, just from reading the assigned novels from class.

On the other hand, though, it’s tough to juggle reading for class and reading for fun. Sure, reading for class can be interesting, but I’ve also got a “to-read” pile that’s taller than I am (and climbing). Although I’ve never been someone who minded reading several books at once (in fact, I prefer it), sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day to get all of it done.

So how do keep up with fun reading while still balancing schoolwork (especially if you’re majoring in a reading-heavy curriculum like English)? These are the tricks I’ve used to navigate the sea of books I have to read:  

Short books
There are, like, no pictures of this book cover online.

This one’s probably pretty obvious, but since a lot of my assigned readings are longer, I’ve stuck to the shorter books when I’m crunched for time. Little novels (or novels with bigger text) are great for a quick, relaxing read without the stress of balancing more than one book at a time. I’d recommend something like Texts from Jane Eyre, or maybe even a collection of short stories or poems.

Books about subjects I’m interested in

Again, this one is obvious. But sometimes I’ll read a book because someone recommended it, or because I think I should read it, and it takes longer than I think it should, or I put it down and never go back to it. I’ve started saving books like that for periods of time when I don’t have a lot of work to do (so… summer…), and instead I focus on the books I know will hold my interest. For me, this is anything from YA novels that have just come out (lookin’ at you, Allegiant), or historical fiction books that I’ve been waiting to read. One such book that I recently finished was The Glass Castle, which I highly recommend. It's kind of sad, though. Which leads me to...

Fun books

DUH, you say. CLEARLY when I’m reading for fun I want a FUN BOOK. But here’s the thing: a lot of times you start reading only to find that there’s way deeper stuff happening in the book than it says on the dust jacket. That’s awesome. That is, in fact, what you expect to happen. Sometimes, though, you don't want angsty-stuff weighing down your spirits. So instead, read the books that you know won’t have any angst, books that will give your overworked brain a break. Think Bossypants. Think Hyperbole and a Half. Stuff like that.

Relevant books

Remember me?
Still in school? Try looking for books that are relevant to whatever you’re talking about in class. Once you’ve gotten into the mindset of a certain theme or topic, it’s sometimes easier to read a book along those lines. Take me and the perfect, incomparable novel The God of Small Things, for example. Then again, you might just want to give your brain a break and read something unrelated to your life, like Gone Girl. At least, I hope Gone Girl isn’t related to your life.  

Books I’ve already read

Can't stop won't stop. 
I’m a monster about re-reading, which my grandma is oh-so-quick to point out every time she visits and I've got the same book in my hands. Sure, I’ve got that ever-growing to-read list on Goodreads, but I’m gonna revisit my $1 paperback copy of Cheaper by the Dozen anyway. Sometimes, the only way to unwind is to pick up an old favorite that you know is gonna make you feel better. Embrace that feeling. Revel in it. And then go buy and read a copy of The God of Small Things, because seriously, guys, that book is friggin’ amazing. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Heckuva Lot of Books by YouTubers

So, when I got the idea to write this post, I didn’t quite realize how many people from YouTube had actually written (and published) books. A lot. The answer is a lot.

Obviously, I haven’t read all of them (I only watch a few of the YouTubers that are on this list), but I wrote reviews for the ones I have read, and just listed the rest (maybe I'll add them to the to-read pile?). Let’s get started:

Girl Online—Zoe Sugg

Okay, I’ll admit it: I only read part of this one. There was this big to-do with whether or not Sugg actually wrote the book or if she had a ghost writer (both she and the alleged ghost writer have since said that they co-wrote it). Due to all the ~drama~, I set this one down and haven’t returned to it. But from what I gathered, it was turning out to be a cute read that dealt with a lot of heavy stuff I know Sugg’s pre-teen and teen audience will appreciate (see: panic attacks and anxiety). Also, the cover/inside flaps are adorable. Like, completely and perfectly adorable (see: polka dots).  

The next three are getting put together, as they are part of the (blasphemously?) named YouTube Holy Trinity:

This one I did read, and it was hilarious and perfect. I’ve casually watched Hart’s videos for a while, and her voice was prevalent and unique and everything I had wanted. I haven’t actually tried out the recipes—some of them more experimental than others—but the advice she offers and the jokes (puns!) she makes made this one of my favorites. It is now on display on my counter with the rest of my cookbooks. Hart’s working on her second book now (apparently very different from the first), so I’m excited to see where the next one will take her.

Oh man, I love this book. I love it. This is the book I wish I’d had when I was fourteen/fifteen and had no idea what was going on. Again, Helbig’s voice is so clear and strong in this book that it was just like watching one of her videos. It’s hilarious, moving, and witty (again: puns), and goes to some pretty deep places that I wasn’t expecting. I’d definitely recommend it to a younger teenage audience (not sure if adults who don’t watch Helbig’s videos would appreciate it), but in any case, it’s well worth a shot (my lame attempt at a YTHT pun).

Pre-ordered the crap outta this one. Coming May 2015!

All the John Green books—John Green
Still pissed I got the Katherines cover with the creepy models on it. 

People know him now for The Fault in Our Stars, but I had started following Green and his brother on YouTube as his fourth book (third, not counting one of his collaborations), Paper Towns, was about to debut. For whatever reason, Paper Towns seems to be one of his more popular books, even though it was never one of my favorites. I prefer An Abundance of Katherines (surprisingly enough, even though it deals with so much mathematical mumbo-jumbo), or his first novel, Looking for Alaska. Other books Green has written in collaboration with other authors: Let it Snow (with Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle), Will Grayson Will Grayson (with David Levithan).  

Aaaaaaaaaaand now we come to the part of the post where I become shocked at all the additional books YouTubers have written. I recognize a lot of these names, so maybe somewhere down the line I’ll get the chance to check these out:

A Work in Progress—Connor Franta
The Pointless Book—Alfie Deyes
Love, Tanya—Tanya Burr
The Amazing Book is Not on Fire—Dan and Phil
Self Help—Miranda Sings
Fat Dad, Fat Kid—Shay Carl
In Real Life: My Journey to a Pixelated World—Joey Graceffa
Make Up: Your Life Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success—Online and Off—Michelle Phan
Beneath the Glitter—Elle Fowler
All I Know Now: Wonderings and Reflections on Growing Up Gracefully—Carrie Hope Fletcher
We Should Hang Out Sometime: Embarrassingly, a True Story—Josh Sundquist
Just Don’t Fall: How I Grew Up, Conquered Illness, and Made it Down the Mountain—Josh Sundquist
The Glam Guide—Fleur de Force

I’m sure I’ve missed a few, too, so if there are any recommendations for YouTube star-created novels, let me know!